Monday, September 20, 2010


These are photos of both kiddos.... we added a new addition to the family on December 15, 2009... Caden John Leen! I really wish that I would have taken newborn pictures of Caden, but didn't really realize that people did that so hindsight is 20/20. 

I tried a black backdrop with these photos and I think they turned out alright. I like the black and white style ones better, but overall not too bad. Morgan was totally not into getting her picture taken and Caden did pretty good at the beginning but then started to get crabby!

This is really probably the only good one that I got of her!

The light is behind her on this one so it didn't make a very good picture ... always make sure the light is behind you not your subject ;)

This is one of my all time favorite photos! What a chubby little 3 month old :)

Hands down he has the greatest smile :)

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