Wednesday, September 22, 2010

| Amber Erickson + Erik Gabbey Wedding |

I was not the photographer for this, but still took my camera long to try to catch a few good shots! I think I was successful!

Amber was a good friend of my from elementary and high school. They were married at the Gale Woods Farm in Minnetrista, MN near Minnetonka! It was such a beautiful wedding and day! So fun!

Holding hands during the ceremony! I had a pretty decent spot to sit that I could get this close! Erik's dad did the ceremony! Most of the good pictures I got were from the ceremony!
Bridesmaids ... pretty ladies!
Best Woman! I love her expression in this photo!
They were holding hands ... so cool!
This big kiss!
Different cropping!
I caught another great expression!
And lastly, a family photo! Too bad my kids are not looking :)

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