Monday, September 20, 2010

Miss A is 4 months old! - July 2010

I got to take more pictures of Miss A and I was so excited to do it! Grandma came along with too, so she sure helped to get some good smiles out of her!

I'm pretty sure she was laughing at Grandma here!

She also, just like Caden really liked chewing on her fingers. For this session I bought a pink sheet and also this fun green fuzzy blanket thing.  Also got a few flowers to use. I had a bean bag chair, but had to return it ... that's still on the "to-get" list!

What do you want me to do with this ?

I love every part of this photo ... the green, the smile, all of it! Such a sweetie!

I really like her eyes in this one!

So simple, yet so beautiful!

So, I was trying to get one of those cute little baby tooshy photos, but this was the only one that looked semi-okay. This was at the end of the session and she had had about enough so I gave it my best try!

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