Monday, September 20, 2010

First NEWBORN session!

Another good friend of mine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on July 13, 2010 and asked me to take newborn photos of her! I was a little nervous because I had never done newborn pictures before and I was going to their house so I didn't know about lighting, and space, etc. But it went awesome and I totally loved doing the newborn session! I can't wait to do another one!

Little Miss J ....

Right off the bat, I caught a cute little smirky smile :)
Sleepy baby!
My favorite photo of the entire session! Even though the light shines on her butt ... I still love it!
Same photo, just in a different color!
I found this idea online and thought I would try it out! Parts of her and her face are really dark though so I'm not too happy about that, but the whole idea is cool and I will try it again and also probably use more flower petals. 
I like that you can see her eyes in this one!
The ring picture! I think this is a must-do with every newborn session!

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